Xamarin UITest test-cloud.exe Upload Errors App Center Help Center

Experts will help you develop the best software solution for your clients. With us, you save time and get all the recommendations for implementing and further using the technology. Directed, designed and animated for the kind people at Xamarin to explain their new automated testing service for mobile app developers.

xamarin test cloud

If we now go back to the Test Cloud web interface, you can already see the tests in progress. You can follow the test progress using the terminal output. When the tests are completed, click through to the Test Run to see the results. And the red button will set the label to another text, as we will see later the text was not what it is supposed to be. It is a very simple interface, just one label and two buttons.

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This is a technical post explaining the logic, advantages, and configuration peculiarities of Xamarin’s Automated UI Acceptance Testing framework. We monitor all Mobile App Testing Tools reviews to prevent fraudulent reviews and keep review quality high. We do not post
reviews by company employees or direct competitors. We validate each review for authenticity via cross-reference
with LinkedIn, and personal follow-up with the reviewer when necessary.

The green button will be a succeeding test scenario, and the red one is a failing scenario. In the last step, do not just click the done button and expect it to save something for you, because it does not. In the final step, you are only presented with a console command as shown in Figure 4. The screenshot shows iOS devices; if you have selected Android, there would be a lot of Android devices here. You cannot work with anything related to Bluetooth, there is no camera support, testing happens on Wi-Fi (no cellular data that means) and there is no Windows Phone support.

Android versus iOS

So, I would say, good ideas and solutions come sometimes at the right time. Xamarin.UITest based on Calabash and have a similar operating principle. Windows Phone is not supported and Andrew personally think it is a disadvantage of this tool. But on the other hand this tool supports tesing of native apps on Java and Objective-C. Xamarin Test Cloud can help us identify applications’ functionality-related issues on real devices.

  • I believe you are correct, I have updated Xamarin iOS projects to the latest Xamarin.TestCloud nuget and Im not seeing the same issue with Release builds.
  • There will be an indicator that the Test Recorder is now recording any of your taps, swipes, and gestures.
  • Depending on the combination of devices you ran the tests on, it will help you pinpoint where the failures is.
  • I’ll show how to use it with NUnit framework and write tests that can be deployed on Xamarin Test Cloud.
  • In both the tests, you will see that I tap the button, take a screenshot and then assert the outcome.
  • This is where a cloud-based testing platform like LambdaTest comes into play.

Find performance problems on any OS automatically with step-by step memory and performance tracking. Beautiful reports make it easy to know when you’re ready for launch. Testing and execution using xamarin test cloud actually happen on real devices. It was one of the biggest assumptions about Xamarin Test Cloud that they are not running on actual devices since so many cloud-based services use simulators. This makes Xamarin Test Cloud stand alone as it is distinguished from those other platforms that require simulators to achieve large device counts.

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It gives the required APIs to interact with Android and iOS apps on mobile devices. Xamarin provides support for continuous integration, which validates an app’s functionality and quality through every step of the development process. Through a combination of continuous https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ integration and automated testing, developers can receive instant feedback whenever new code is integrated into an app. Therefore, developers can know right away if new code will disrupt an app’s functionality or break aspects of its user interface.

xamarin test cloud

– New platforms to be added, for example, Windows Phone, and new options in Xamarin Test Cloud Services. A team of the best professionals helps find the best options for each personalized project of the client and answers the most popular questions. The next step in the Test Run configuration allows you to choose the «Test Series», which allows you to group similar types of runs together, and the «System Language». Depending on the size of your app and organization, you may never change these. Run UI test on thousands of real devices and hundreds of configurations.


If you’re a digital startup looking to promote your mobile App, then having a sleek and modern Landing Page is essential. It helps you showcase your App’s features and benefits and establish credibility and build trust with potential users. Next, you can select which devices you want to run the tests on.

In the future, they are even looking to expand the list of features and give you, the developer, control over a device. Then user goes to XTC (Xamarin.Test.Cloud) portal and checks results (reports, screenshots etc). Xamarin.Inspector from package called Xamarin.Interactive is another standalone tool for analysing and inspecting UI of the app. With Xamarin.UITest and nunit runner you can test locally on your devices and/or emulators/simulators.

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Depending on the combination of devices you ran the tests on, it will help you pinpoint where the failures is. Once the tests complete, you can log in to Test Cloud to view the results. Test Cloud provides lots of information and details about the tests and the devices themselves. Developer-friendly analytics make it easy to discover how to improve your apps.

xamarin test cloud

You can also choose which method is the initializer method (SetUp) and which methods contain test code (Test). If you have written unit tests for .NET, this might look familiar to you as it uses the same structure. If you examine these pieces of code closely, you will notice that it uses an event-handler at a very high level and which will be invoked for each view. As your app grows in complexity, this can become a big performance hit.


In the Xamarin iOS app, install the Xamarin.TestCloud.Agent NuGet package, and then add the appropriate code to the AppDelegate class within the app. When done properly, the exact same test can be shared across Android and iOS, saving even more work. Because it is so intuitive, Xamarin is one of the simplest solutions for testing apps across multiple devices. First, the app is automated using a testing framework or Test Recorder. Next, the test suit is uploaded to the Test Cloud, where it is executed. Once the tests are complete, detailed reports are generated and can be analyzed with painstaking detail.

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